Winning Products, TV Shows, Ventures, And Innovations Start At

Boundless Innovations & DreamLand Productions

Creative Talents, Awards, And Inventions Recognized


The following is an info website, for those who like to read, dive deep, and learn. For a design website, visit:

Boundless Innovations, and DreamLand Productions LLC. is an award-winning product concept creation, design, new invention, market research, and prolific product development company. In addition, we are ideation experts, and consumer insight specialists when developing products plus advocates of the open innovation movement.

Here we invent independently and form strategic partnerships with great companies such as Design Circle to design, prototype, co-invent, and bring new products, innovations, and businesses to market via a collaborative innovation strategy.

The end goal is co-creating the very best new products, TV shows, and services possible to inspire, illuminate, and enrich the hearts plus minds of customers to benefit humanity. Our strategic goal is to always find win-win ways to work, innovate, and share profits together.

Created by Darrell “Thomas” Fertakos, who received the middle name Thomas after Edison since he cousin worked with Thomas Edison over 125 years ago.

“Founder, Darrell Thomas Fertakos is a one-of-a-kind product visionary who created Copyrights or filed provisional patent applications since 2004 on similar products and TV shows he also began to design in part, to what later became – Facebook, YouTube, Bumble, Square, Google, and Apple Pay, Fitbit, now popular Smart AR Glasses, Smart Airbag Helmet, Apple AirTag, hit As Seen On TV consumer products, AI, Web 3, and Metaverse innovations still coming out today.

Darrell now has over 500 provisional patent applications filed, and over 1,000 creative records to prove most of these facts. Millions of people have similar product concepts, in no way is Darrell trying to take any credit away from anyone else. These facts are shared to teach the VALUE Darrell brings to the table.

When Darrell tried to develop similar products he also began to design/invent – that helped companies grow to billions in market cap value he sadly ran into some naysayers who said, ” it can’t be done, similar products exist such as AOI IM, so why would anyone want to use a new product to connect with friends and family online. No one will ever use a phone to make a payment, when a credit card can.”

History teaches many industry experts and investors were often unable to predict trends or what products would do well in the market vs. not. History also teaches there was no market for oil, the airplane, or even the PC according to some experts at the time. **Darrell has a proven history of creating and predicting what products will do well in the market vs. not..

Social Media Innovator

Darrell also reached out to top tech companies hoping to demo his social network in R&D for everyone in the years 2000 to 2007, his smart glasses, and even mobile apps he began to design prior to the app store coming out. He even created similar TV show formats/Copyrights in part back in 2004 -2009 to what later became the following hit TV shows – Shark Tank, America Got Talent, The Profit, Money Court, Pitchmen, The Big Give, and so much more; in his quest to work out a win-win collaborative product development and joint commercialization deals. Here is a video of me with Darrell to further prove these facts:

Often, Darrell ran into no-unsolicited idea and not invented hear policies, when trying to find help with his big ideas. Raising funds was not his main interest in the past -since many who do fail as Forbes reports 90%. The key to new innovation success is often teaming up with the right people and companies to co-develop and bring new products to market. History teaches this strategy can increase the odds of success.

Darrell even visited top tech companies in person to drop off a resume or try to receive a meeting to demo new products to be told, “we don’t consider unsolicited meetings, nor can we accept unsolicited ideas or resumes apply online.” Frustrated by endless red tape, Darrell became an advocate of the open innovation movement since 2004, then built an open innovation social network for inventors that he licensed, and when let in the door at companies his work, creative ideas, and intellectual property HELPED several companies grow to record setting sales results exceeding $500K, $5M and even $3 billion; according to news reports and data.

At times paid, other times as a volunteer, consultant, work for hire, or entrepreneur.

Setback Sadly he had a contract and NDA breached once by a very unethical company who tricked Darrell when fresh out of college and dozens of other companies. This business has now been sued by the attorney general of NJ for scamming 1,000s of people. At times, Darrell was too nice and did work without all terms in writing, and wishes to inspire everyone to put flexible terms in writing; never fully trust a verbal contract. Most of all aim for a win-win to be paid more based upon the results that emerge from your creations/IP, and hard work.

Proven Track Record As A Top Innovator

Disruptive innovations, hit TV shows, and winning products often start, at Boundless Innovations first. Created by a three-time award-winning prolific inventor recognized as a Modern Marvel out of 4,200 by The History Channel in 2006, for his design of new mobile payment and coupon apps prior to the app store coming out – to help inspire the further development of the $1 trillion mobile payment industry.

As a result his vast accomplishments Boundless Innovations is now recognized as one of the most innovative startups in the world by,

Millions Of People Have The Same Ideas -Take Action First

Fertakos, is happy that other talented leaders and companies further developed and improved similar product visions, he, and many also envisioned and began to build. Thomas Edison did not entirely invent the light bulb. Edison improved upon the work of inventors over 70 years prior, when finding the right support. Humphrey Davy, invented an arc lamp electrical light in 1802, who remembers him ?

Industry Contributors Throughout History Including Fertakos, Should Never Be Forgotten.

Fertakos pivoted by creating in the past an open innovation social network for inventors. Then co-created a hit TV show for inventors Pitchmen-to help bring product dreams of inventors to market, worked on the R&D of new light bulbs, sold over four patents for clients, appeared on hit TV shows to sell products, and helped companies- design, invent, and market top-selling consumer products that collectively sold over 85 million units, online, TV, QVC, and in 33,000 retail stores globally to produce billions in sales results.

Yes, Fertakos has records to prove most of these facts. Recently, he helped a local inventor succeed with to produce millions in sales seen on TV as a top seller on QVC, and online.

There is only so much, one man can do at the same time. Fertakos also had a challenging setback similar to the experience many famous inventors had in history and is working on a comeback with his new reality TV shows, AI, Social and Media innovations.”

Reach out to Darrell to learn more about his experience at: or read on to learn even more.

– Emmanuel Coffy, former US Patent Examiner at USPTO, NASA Engineer, and US patent attorney

Darrell began to design similar products in part to what Facebook and YouTube further developed years later. His 2004 website is available to demo, patent applications, lab book records, and drawing dating back to the 1990s prove what he states is true..

Early Social Media Pioneer

Darrell is an award-winning product visionary, who completed an independent study on the psychological benefits of social networking at- Salisbury University in the year 2000 to see if there were enough psychological benefits to social networking to justify the building of a new social network.

Research confirms social networking can improve cognitive health, strengthen the immune system, and improve physical performance. While also improving mental health by forming friendships and making dreams come true for personal and professional life by online and offline networking. **All the talk of social networking being dangerous to health is dependent upon the individual; nothing gets us upset except our opinions.

No matter what product we use, our unique psychology determines our perceptions; some will use social media to compare themselves to others and become depressed, while others will use social media to become inspired and not sad at all. Perception is everything; some see the good, and others see the bad in every situation. As a result, blaming social media for mental health problems is not fully fair since many variables exist that contribute to one’s mind-body health.

Darrell also completed an independent study on the Psychological benefits of privacy at Ramapo College Of NJ in 2003 to understand that all humans have two basic needs: the need to be social and the need for privacy. If one does not take time to be social and to enjoy privacy away from all apps and people, one may not be as healthy as he/she could be. Privacy needs are critical for reflection, rejuvenation, stress reduction, plus creativity. What is key is a balance of these two needs. Darrell used this data and more to help him design a social network with similar features to what Facebook and YouTube later developed.

Validated Global Market Demand For Building A Social Network For Everyone

Darrell also validated global market demand to build a new social network for everyone while working at Disney World in 2000 and 2002. How so? He interviewed dozens of people living in different parts of the world- to see if they found it hard to find like-minded friends for business, friendship, and dating; most felt it was hard to meet new friends with similar interests.

As a result, Darrell knew there was market demand to justify building a new social network for everyone – with features to share: stories, pictures, videos, news, and more. Due to his research to validate market demand to build a new social network…

Darrell reached out to leaders at Disney Inc., Apple, and other top tech companies on and off from 2000 to 2007, hoping to co-develop and market with top companies, to sadly be told, ” We can’t accept unsolicited ideas; we have not invented here policy.” As a result of all this red tape, Darrell began to pivot and created opportunities to help inventors by co-creating a hit reality TV show for inventors called Pitchmen– which aired on The Discovery Channel, built a social network for inventors online and off he licensed to a CPG company to help this biz grow out of bankruptcy to record-setting sales results in the billions.

Sadly, this CPG company with great press was sued by the attorney general for scamming 1,000s of people, and Darrell got hurt as well; being tricked by this unethical company when fresh out of college. This business is now seen in the news with over 100 lawsuits against them, often by hurting startups. ** The business world is filled with many great people who want to help you and others who take advantage of others and the law. Aim to work with people who treat you well, want to put contracts in writing, seek win-wins, and pay well…Darrell now has a bigger social innovation and many new inventions plus TV shows so reach out to discover the possibilities.


Founder, Darrell Fertakos recently inspired a new inventor to think of Clamp Champion. He helped the product become a top seller on QVC 3-years in a row, with $5M+ in TV/Online sales.
Clamp Champion On QVC 2016 to 2021

Since Inception

Boundless Innovations began to invent products in over thirty-five industries to sell, license, or commercialize. In addition, we offer new product and venture analysis, R&D, prototyping, new software development, manufacturing, retail distribution, TV commercial, and sizzle reel production, plus intellectual property, ideation, and marketing services. Most of all, we enjoy co-developing new products, TV shows, and building new ventures with Fortune 500 companies, TV producers, investors, and inventors.

Boundless Innovations

Formed to inspire companies to practice Open Innovation. Businesses that ignored our requests for meetings due to the no-unsolicited idea and the not invented here policy or fake news lost out on earning millions to billions of dollars. Our IP records filed at The US patent office prove this fact.

Since many products failed in history at a rate of 36 to 95% depending upon the industry even from the top companies in the world. To increase the odds of new product success we aim to team up with experts and top companies to co-develop and market new products and TV shows, then find win-win ways to share revenue.

Co-creating massive, positive, and global social impact by what we co-create truly inspires us.

We believe that collaborative opportunities = infinite possibilities. As a result, we are open-minded and truly enjoy co-creating new products, TV shows, and building new ventures together to serve the public good by working with startups, inventors, CEOs, investors, and Fortune 500 companies.

Driven To Inspire All To Innovate Without Limits

Boundless Innovations now offers innovation consulting services inspired by -Thomas A. Edison Papers, invention history research, and leading innovation plus psychology studies spanning hundreds of years…

Dreamland Productions

Is our entertainment division. Here we specialize in developing all kinds of interactive media technologies including web, TV, media, AR, and hologram innovations, plus the co-creation of reality TV shows.



By working with tech, TV networks, and production companies to acquire or license our intellectual property and or co-create new products, TV shows, media products, and ventures together by working out win-win deals…

If you have the next hit Reality TV show concept, smart TV innovation, or movie, contact us today. Our experience and connections in Hollywood plus guidance may help with your next big idea. Reach out:

Business History

After high school Darrell Thomas Fertakos, a three-time award-winning social entrepreneur, prolific inventor, innovation scholar, new product visionary, and founder/CEO of Boundless Innovations; had a unique experience working with researchers in the brainwave entrainment industry at one of the first and most advanced Mind Gyms built in the USA and formally based in Wayne, NJ at the Willowbrook Mall.

His former boss David Mager, who went on to work with the spiritual leader and doctor Deepak Chopra, inspired Darrell to invent without limits as Thomas Edison did—and took his advice literally.

Darrell learned that the average human brain thinks between 30,000 and 70,000 thoughts per day, so he just knew it was possible to think of hundreds if not thousands of new product and business ideas per day – if he trained his brain to do so. Darrell became determined to accomplish by thinking of dozens, then 100s, and even 1,000s of business plus all kinds of product concepts to accomplish this objective.

With the novel help of- light, sound, motion, and biofeedback machines; valued at over $10,000, in addition to practicing Yoga, visiting a hypnotist, and meditating at a monastery to alter his brainwaves helped Darrell to create novel product solutions to problems in multiple industries.

He recommends learning about “The Flow” state of mind, while also reading invention history to create and invent more effectively.

Invention lab Darrell works in

So far, Darrell created and filed 750+ of his own creative ideas/IP on file at The US Patent Office by the design of new products and business ideas in over thirty industries. Only a small percent of product visionaries in history began to design and invent as much as Darrell, to create a unique hiring/investing opportunity.

Darrell said, “ I just love to invent new product concepts and envisioned thousands, hoping to one day set new US history creativity records to serve the public good.” Darrell even conducted a creativity and invention experiment in 2004 using mind-machines hoping to surpass Thomas Edison’s peak year creativity record of 106 patents filed in one year back in 1882.

(Thomas Edison Papers:

Inspired by Edison, Disney, Tesla,
And Ben Franklin To Dream, Create And Invent Without Limits

Darrell Fertakos began to beat Thomas Edison’s peak year creativity record by creating 100s of product, TV show, and business concepts within weeks and filing 350 patent applications within months; while a college student without the support Thomas Edison had-being paid to work, do R&D, and invent.

It is important to note Darrell explains, “my patent applications were not as detailed as Thomas Edison patent filings, and most were provisional patent applications to remember some of my ideas/IP, to make experiment easier and less costly.” Darrell did not beat Thomas Edison creativity record, he only claims he was on his way…

What matters most Darrell says is, “I was off to a good start and began to create extremely valuable IP and products as well, with 100s of records filed at the patent office.” Fact is, Darrell created over 2,500 business and product ideas collectively and encourages everyone to try and do the same. Why ? When you train your mind to think of dozens to 100s of ideas per week, or month; it is just a matter of time until you come up with a true winner.

Most of Darrell inventing took place in college, grad school, and when working. In the past inventing was more of a hobby. Still, Darrell produced over 150X ROI based off his first investment in this business and now seeks more help, to get to the next level. With the right support moving forward it is possible one day Darrell may have 100s to 1,000s of patents like the top inventors in the world.

Success And Setbacks

Darrell had some success however he also had a tremendous setback by sadly trusting a company that got sued by the attorney general for scamming 1,000s of people, with over 100 lawsuits against this business; often by breaking all kinds of laws that hurt startups and by copying inventors.

Sadly, when Darrell spoke up to inspire positive change; he later found himself slandered in the news- when he never had a news interview and received years of competitive business attacks by this unethical company who put countless competitors out of business by breaking all kinds of laws.

This has been the biggest unexpected challenge he sadly had to deal with and hopes in the future to recover by working with ethical leaders next time around. Due to this challenge Fertakos seeks to build a new startup center to help innovators in more ways- so reach out to discover this plan.

Darrell’s advice, “find companies, clients, and investors that support your dreams and want to pay you to work, so you can reach your full potential. Avoid people who just want to keep picking your brain for ideas and information for months, with no pay or a contract in writing. Sure share your talents, share some ideas, maybe do some work for free for a bit, but not for months or years unless it is a startup. Most of all aim for a win-win contract in writing so you know how you will be paid.”

Darrell did too much at times without a salary or funding and it was stressful, early on. As a result, he made some mistakes, especially when rushing. It is vitally important to take care of talent for their utmost potential to unfold – until then we only discover a small percentage of what one is truly capable of.”

Inventing Since Childhood

Since childhood, Darrell began to design all kinds of products including new light bulbs, wearables, internet, social media, consumer products, toys, automotive, military, satellite, metaverse, ad-tech, fin-tech, TV, media, AI, and even IOT innovations.

What is most fascinating is how many winning product concepts Darrell truly came up with – often years prior to top companies later developing and taking similar products to market that produced millions to billions in sales results and profits. Products that later became known as the best new invention of the year, according to -The New York Times and Popular Science, publications.

“My mom named me after Thomas Edison, since I had a relative that worked with Thomas Edison. Upon learning my mind turned into an invention machine since I kept coming up with so many ideas, 1,000s”
Darrell Thomas Fertakos
I recall reading Omni Magazine as a kid. Inspired I began to dream up and designed similar product concepts in part – to what later became popular smartphone features, Mp3 players, the app store, social networks, smart glasses, even internet innovations.

I called companies for help to develop and often told, “not invented here policy”

Imagine what could have been if I and all inventors were easily able to share their product ideas with the top companies in the world-who could help turn product dreams to life faster than other strategies

Darrell says, ” it is easy for me to come up with new product concepts, however, success is dependent upon finding the right ethical talent, funds, and companies to work with to turn ideas into products that can win in the market.

This has been the hardest part for many of the most talented inventors in history – since winning products require early support of very wealthy investors and companies to limit as many business and intellectual property risks as possible, from the get-go to increase the probability of new product success.”

Darrell’s 1995 music player concept, similar to what MP3 player later became; he began to design as a kid

Joan Collins Fertakos, Darrell’s mom, named him after Thomas Edison by giving Darrell the middle name Thomas since his cousin worked with Edison. In addition, his grandfather Gus Fertakos was a successful inventor on the Jersey City, NJ railroad.

As a result, Darrell became inspired to create, design, and invent since he was a kid, often as a hobby.

In the past, Darrell was just warming up however, with real value-added companies and investors on Darrell’s side in the future, a billion-dollar business, thousands of jobs, and one of the most innovative companies in history could form by teamwork.

More opportunities emerged recently to help inventors and start-ups than in the past, by the creation of accelerators, new venture studios, incubators, business TV shows, lower costs to file patents and make products, inventor clubs, social media, freelancers available to hire globally, free business education, entrepreneur acceptance, more start-up investors, additional ways to reach customers and the open innovation plus AI movement, makes the 21st century a great time for business risks.

Product Development Education

Darrell received training in new invention and product development from the NJ 2001 Inventor Of The Year, Dr. Phil Anderson, while at Ramapo College Of NJ. Then in his MBA program, from an Innovation think tank, within an accelerator, and won an academic scholarship competing globally, by researching invention history and common trends that made products succeed vs. fail in the market from a George Mason University–affiliated think tank – The Institute For Humane Studies.

Here Darrell lived with scholars globally for free to further pursue his innovation and economic research.

Darrell also received an Honorable Invention Award, inventing a mobile payment and coupon app in The History Channel Modern Marvels InventNow Competition, prior to the app store coming out to be named a Modern Marvel out of 4,200 inventors competing in 2006.

His product dream and IP inspired the further development of mobile payment, coupon, and digital currency industries valued at $1 Trillion today.

Darrell recalls when beepers became popular in 1990s he wanted to create beeper payment apps only to be told that a beeper and phone could never accept payments.

Darrell also won an invention award in his MBA program in 2010 for his smart AR glasses’ invention concept and design.

This product Darrell began to invent as a teen is similar and prior to Google Glass and Facebook Ray-Ban Stories, and most smart glasses now in the market today; that Darrell began to invent and filed at the patent office in 2004 in addition to the following achievements…

Drawing Of Darrell’s Smart Glasses, In 2004
Darrell wins invention award for his smart glasses.

Darrell was showcased on The Discovery Channel as a prolific inventor of smart wearables in 2009 on the Pitchmen TV show and NY finalist on ABC’s hit TV show American Inventor for his smart airbag helmet invention. In addition, Darrell was featured on The Jay Leno Tonight Show three times, and in ’04 for his product concept of a healthier cigarette, prior to, safer than, and similar to what the e-cigarette later became, now over a $25 billion industry.

Darrell has a proven history of creating winning product and TV show concepts. In addition, to being able to predict what products and TV shows will do well in the market vs. not, with an accuracy rate of 75+%.

For Example

When cryptocurrencies and NFT’s were all the talk in the market Darrell predicted Cryptocurrencies would run into all kinds of challenges, which they later did. When Facebook came out many thought it would never do as well as Myspace, Darrell knew it would.

AI, Search, And Web 3 Innovator

Darrell began to reinvent search since 2015 with AI; sadly many said, ” no one can compete with Google there is no need for a new search engine.” Years, later many AI search and answer engines emerged to do well, with AI changing the industry as Darrell predicted years prior. Fact, Darrell was developing new AI search engine prototypes years prior to most that he will demo with patent applications since 2015-2016. Darrell even filed a provisional patent application on Text-To-Image generator in 2015. Contact Darrell today to discover his AI innovations….

Darrell also validated the global market demand to build new social networks for everyone in the year 2000- after his customer discovery research at Disney World, predicted the app store would be a hit and that mobile phones would one day accept payments back in the 1990s.

Good news, Darrell prediction services are now available to help companies create and improve new products, TV shows, and ventures.

Darrell even began to design 2D, VR, and 3-D social networks as a teen in 1990s after being inspired by Sega IR 7000 communicator, Nintendo Virtual Boy, and the great VR movie LawnmowerMan. Since a teen he and many in history envisioned similar products in part to what ChatGPT took to the next level. Darrell has his own version of a new web, in R&D since 2016 that he like to demo to investors. ChatGPT is great. However, AI innovations have been the dream of many innovators throughout history especially since the 1960s. Thanks to the collective work of many AI advanced to enable remarkable innovations like ChatGPT to emerge. Contact Darrell to learn about his AI innovations avail. to license, acquire, or invest in.

Darrell Fertakos, Seen On ABC Hit TV Show American Inventor as NYC Finalist Inventing Airbag Smart Helmet, In 2007

Filmed at Yankee Invention Expo 10/2004 Seen On The Tonight Show With Jay Leno 11/2004 with his healthy cigarette product

Early on Darrell began one of the first open innovation social networks to help inventors bring products to market with the help of open-minded product development companies that practice open innovation.

In addition, Darrell is the co-creator of the hit reality TV show PitchMen aired on The Discovery Channel with millions of viewers in 2009-2011, to help bring inventors product dreams to market with the help of the best TV pitchmen in the world, investors, and product development companies. Pitchmen TV show and his business plans resulted in products sold on TV, at retail, and online to produce over 100 million units of new products now sold and $3B in sales results.



With the Pitchmen TV show co-created, an open innovation social networking website to help inventors- develop and license products to CPG companies; then with his own product designs in the As Seen ON TV space, events co-hosted globally to meet inventors, and find new products to bring to life by working with top CPG companies in 2006-2011.

A setback emerged, similar to the experience seen in the business movies The Social Network, Joy and Flash Of Genius, when a contract was broken, by a business that unexpectedly began to break laws. As a result, Darrell moved on…

TV Show PitchMen Darrell Co-Created

Verified By

Darrell also taught invention workshops at Mets STEM school in New Jersey, speaks at inventor clubs on the topic of- How To Invent Winning New Products, and helped product companies become top sellers on TV, QVC, and in retail with his work, product designs, connections, strategies, IP, and business ideas.

In sum, Darrell’s business ideas, products, designs, IP, and work truly helped produce based upon news and review of data approx. $3.3 billion in sales results via over 100 million units of new products sold globally- when working for or with established product development companies; in addition to startups, clients, and results from within Boundless Innovations.

Darrell Teaching Invention – Starts At 2:33

Recently, Darrell helped a local inventor with the hit product, which he inspired the inventor to come up with after- hosting a brainstorming session. Clamp Champion became a top seller on QVC three years in a row with millions in sales results seen on TV, online, and in select retail stores.

In addition, Darrell helped Clamp Champion win a Gold Medal award at Inpex Invention Tradeshow to be named the best new product in the mobile category. Then deployed a PR strategy to help Clamp Champion appear on Good Morning America, QVC, online, news, and almost on Shark Tank.

Darrell truly helped inventor David Bulka to find licensing, investment, and distribution deals, while also consulting on product feasibility, design, ads, and IP strategy to help inventor receive a patent granted. Then worked on marketing, new business development, sales, logistics, design, and manufacturing a bit.

Founder, Darrell Fertakos stated, “only for the purpose of product/invention history it’s important, not to forget contributors to the industry.”

Darrell also began to dream up, invent, built to some degree, and or designed similar products and hit TV shows (in part) often years prior to what later became the following hit products and TV shows in the market that collectively produced over $1.3 trillion in market value creation-

Facebook/META, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr, Bumble, TikTok, Snapchat, Square Mobile Credit Card Reader, Google, and Apple Pay, Smart Glasses similar to Google Glass, FB Ray-Ban Stories, Ring, Fitbit, Key-chain Breathalyzer, Mobile Payment Apps, The Mobile App Store, Metaverse innovations, E-cigarette, AI products, and 350X more, while warming up in the past and winning invention awards along the way.

In addition, Darrell began to design similar TV show formats to what later became – America Got Talent, Shark Tank, The Profit, Dancing With The Stars, Money Court, The Big Give, Pitchmen and many more….


Millions of people have similar ideas for new products and TV shows, a small percent take action with their ideas and a much smaller percent find the right ethical support, connections, funding, free time, and opportunity needed to succeed.

Fact is, Darrell has a proven history of creating winning product and TV show concepts. With a history of also creating some of the most valuable ideas and intellectual property in the world for- new products, TV shows and predicting what will do well in the market vs. not.

US Patent Law Education

It also important to note US Patent Law teaches who conceives of the invention first is the lawful inventor, not who brings a similar product to market first, according to the first to invent law.

Now the law is first to file, which means an inventor often has to conceive of the invention first and file at the patent office first, to be considered the lawful inventor if a patent is granted. One does not need a patent to bring a product to market, however, risks may emerge without a patent filed or prior-art search.

Yes, Darrell had business challenges as well similar to what you see in the business movies: Flash Of Genius, Joy, and The Social Network.

At times beaten to market, copied, betrayed, and had contracts broken- other times not focused enough on his ideas while in school, working jobs, and trying to grow a business all at the same time.

Darrell also had success, appearing on several hit TV shows- Jay Leno, The Big idea, American Inventor, Pitchmen, winning new invention awards, winning money in new invention contests, selling patents, finding clients, winning a scholarship for his innovation research, meeting celebrities, producing a ROI, being named best new hire, appearing in a book as a top innovator, being paid to just invent and worked well with 95% of all people and companies.

The biggest challenge Darrell experienced years ago and till this day upon reaching out to companies for help to co-develop and market new products; few would consider a meeting due to closed innovation policies that prevent opportunities from emerging-the not invented here and no-unsolicited idea policy.

Sure we also had success when working with ethical, talented, and open-minded companies, that practice open innovation. **Products don’t win in the market, great people behind them with support from the get-go enable products to win in the market far more often, as Stapes Inc. proved with The Easy Button.

Staples Easy Button

History Of Creating Winning Products

The following screenshots are examples of past product descriptions and designs in the works, Darrell created. These are just a few records to prove Darrell also began to design similar products in part to what later became- Facebook, YouTube, Fitbit, Square, Shark Tank TV show, and 350X more…..

Screenshot of Darrell Fertakos’s 2004 Social Networking website, which describes much of what Facebook later developed. Darrell completed a research study on the psychological benefits of social networking at Salisbury University and privacy at Ramapo College (2000-2003). Darrell also validated global market demand for building a new social network while conducting market and customer discovery research at Disney World in 2000 to 2002.

Darrell even reached out to the CEO of Disney Michael Eisner and CEO of Apple Steve Jobs hoping for help to further build a similar social network Darrell also began – to what Facebook and YouTube further developed. Sadly, Darrell ran into the no unsolicited idea policy when hoping for help from Disney or Apple Inc, so he pivoted to create a social network and TV show to help inventors. Now Darrell is working on web 3 and AI innovations.
Disney’s letter informing Darrell could not share his ideas due to the no-unsolicited idea policy at Disney.
Darrell, 2004 provisional patent application on his similar product to what Fitbit later became.
Google bought Fitbit for $2 Billion Dollars
Darrell filed patent applications on parts of what Facebook, Square, and FitBit later developed.
Darrell Fertakos, 2004 provisional patent application on his similar product to what Square, Google, and Apple pay later became. Squared received $110 billion valuation in 2021
Darrell helped companies find, design, invent and market some of the best-selling consumer products in the 21st century . . .
Darrell Fertakos, after researching The Thomas Edison Papers, became inspired to try and set a new U.S History creativity record. Afterward, he created and filed 750+ of his own creative venture ideas and product concepts with The U.S. Patent Office. Each idea was inspired by Darrell’s desire to help others, create jobs, improve quality of life, and help the global economy.

Based on research, it appears not even Thomas Edison created this many creative ideas for new products and ventures by the age Darrell did. This creates a unique hiring, investing, and acquiring advantage. Edison Papers,
Rutgers University

Sample Of Product Concepts And Patent Applications

By Darrell T. Fertakos

Darrell even created similar product concepts to what the mobile app store later became and wrote to Steve Jobs in early 2006, hoping for Apple Inc’s help in co-creating, yet sadly too often encountered no-unsolicited-idea policies which prevented Darrell from being able to share his product concepts with the ideal companies and commercialization partners who could have helped and benefitted the most.

Response from Apple Inc. 2006 after sending a letter hoping for a meeting to showcase new products Darrell dreamed to develop as well – mobile apps, the app store, smart glasses, and similar products to Facebook and YouTube.

Darrell was hoping to develop similar products if he could work with top companies to co-create the best new products possible by a collaborative innovation strategy, to serve the public good.

Boundless Innovations formed from Darrell’s frustration with these no-unsolicited-idea policies that hold innovation back. Open innovation research from Harvard Business School proves companies profit more so, new talent is discovered, and communities benefit when considering the inventions of inventors outside corporate walls.

Then work out win-win revenue-sharing deals with innovators and startups to co-develop and market new products; rather than fear conflicts avoidable by documentation in regards to who legally invented or created the copyright first who deserves credit, as taught in The US Constitution. Win-win deals is the future of business that most aim for, when worked out the odds of conflict is low.

Darrell knows within every cell in his body that if Apple, or Disney Inc., let him in the door to share his product concepts in 2000 to 2007, by now, he could have helped Apple and Disney Inc. earn Billions perhaps over $1 trillion dollars in market value creation could have emerged by now.

Darrell has 100s of intellectual property records he created and filed at the patent office to help prove these facts.

How So


Companies that further developed and commercialized similar products that Darrell also began to design, and filed at the patent office prior to well-known brands today created over $1 Trillion in market value creation as of 2024. Darrell was on his way, till he had a setback with an unethical company and is now working on his comeback.

If every creative product, media, and tech company globally – were to practice open innovation, trillions in market value creation could emerge while helping the global economy grow and create far more jobs faster, as research often proves.

Darrell was on his way to growing a billion-dollar company, sadly he had a setback by trusting the wrong company/investor- who began to break many laws, so Darrell moved on. Even Steve Jobs had a similar challenge and had to work on a comeback, which Darrell is now working on.

The Future Is Open Innovation

Previously, Darrell had written to Disney CEO Michael Eisner in 2004, hoping to team up with Disney/ABC Inc. to co-create a social networking website very similar in design ( in part ) to what- Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Clubhouse, Snapchat and YouTube later became, in addition to the Shark Tank TV show.

Of the best new inventions and TV shows in the news each year, at least 18% were similar products/TV shows also in R&D at Boundless Innovations, often years prior to now well-known companies. He began to have challenges to execute since his wealthy competitor seen in the news with 100 lawsuits hurting the public made up fake news about him. Still Darrell moves forward…

Darrell also created several similar hit TV show formats and Copyrights in 2003 to 2010 to what — Shark TankThe ProfitAmerica’s Got Talent, Money Court, Oprah’s The Big Give, Dancing With The Stars, and PitchMen later became while creating 10X more TV show ideas, when just warming up in the past.

Our biggest success in TV was sharing our witnessed Copyright and TV show concept PitchMen with a product development company we worked with who brought the DREAM to life with their funding, our work, and IP, and the help of many experts to co-create a TV show that taught the product development, sales, and marketing strategies needed to make the product dreams of inventors come true aired on The Discovery Channel.

One of the dozens of creative TV show formats, Darrell created and filed at the Patent office. Here is just two records to prove Darrell began to create similar TV show formats in the early stages of development to what later became Shark Tank and The Profit, also registered at the patent office in Darrell name. Idea number 85 Angel Inventor is a similar TV show concept Darrell created and filed at the patent office in 2004 by Darrell to what later became Shark Tank and in 2008 Darrell came up with the idea The Search For The Top Turn Around CEO , similar to what CNBC The Profit later became. Shared above are brief and dated descriptions more TBD.

Most of these facts are verified by Darrell’s hundreds of creative ideas and records filed at the US patent office in his name, dating back to 2004. In addition, his patent attorney Emmanuel Coffy at seen in the video below, verifies this information as an IP expert who worked for the US Patent Office as a patent examiner and NASA as an engineer.

Darrell hopes to inspire the creation of, “Open Innovation And Opportunity Days Globally” so citizens can visit and pitch their business or product concepts in person to investors, executives and companies to be considered for investments, jobs, acquisitions, licensing deals, vendor opportunities, mentoring, and strategic partnerships to co-develop new products, TV shows, movies, and innovations, with higher odds of success made possible by synergy and win-win deals worked out.

Too often, we read 90% of funded startups and products fail. They don’t have to. Team up with top minds and companies to co-develop and market new products, then share revenue to create a win-win to increase the odds of success.

Darrell worked at The Walt Disney Company to be inspired to dream big.

As Walt Disney stated, “ If you want to inspire, illuminate, and enrich the hearts and minds of users by what you create, team up with more established companies and work together to co-create the best new products, ventures, and services possible.”

The future is corporations investing more so into startups and inventors, for this, is the key to success, long-term profits, and continuous innovation as Darrell Fertakos, Harvard Business School and leading innovation think tanks teach.

Darrell Fertakos, Founder

It is time to honor IP rights, live by the golden rule, and forge win-win deals so that together more can invent, and share the joys of success by teamwork.

Companies globally need to stop copying IP, reward creative talent in more ways than ever before, and work out win-win deals with innovators, startups, and inventors to collectively solve problems by innovating together to make the world a better place.

In addition, we must work together to stop unnecessary conflicts and litigation in the creative industries so at last, a far more positive future for all creators emerges in the 21st century.

It is time to help creatives in more ways than ever before while reducing stress, conflict, and billions spent yearly in business and intellectual property lawsuits, easily avoidable when living by the golden rule, following laws and working out win-win deals.

Shark Tank does not have to just exist on TV. It can emerge in every country, city, town, school, library, business, and village around the world to benefit humanity. Founder Darrell wishes to inspire more companies to host pitch days and practice open innovation so the experience of Shark Tank can emerge 24-7, 365 days a year, in more places on earth than ever before, to create boundless opportunities.

Darrell seeks meetings with- Google, Facebook, Disney, Microsoft, Apple, OpenAI, and many others to do business or be considered for acquisition, investment, licensing deals, strategic partnerships, and or career opportunities. Darrell is also open to working for/with investors, inventors, and other companies as well.

The current focus is our new product line: new media AI tech innovations and high social impact new reality TV shows.

Darrell says, “I’ll run out of years to live well before I run out of ideas, so I need far more help moving forward.” ** Darrell, is ready to demo AI products he built in R&D, that were similar in a few ways to Chat GPT and The New Bing, which he had in R&D as well since 2016. However, he put most on hold since his mom, dad, and brother got sick, then the pandemic came. Now it is time to fly… So contact award-winning product visionary Darrell Thomas Fertakos, at

The Future

“Innovation is everything at Boundless Innovations. We wake up in the morning and dream about what else a satellite in space, DNA, or even a toothpick can do to benefit lives. Inventing is really about solving problems to help others and often the more a product helps users, the higher the odds of success.”

Our long-term vision is to co-create a future filled with boundless innovations and opportunities for everyone in the world. In so doing, we will reduce poverty, underemployment, and unemployment by solving consumer problems with innovation.

Then we seek to focus on reducing global problems to make the world a more- peaceful, prosperous, and safer place for all by what we create or co-create by working with leaders around the world.

Currently, more than two billion people live in or near poverty, the USA has over $31 trillion in debt and global debt is over $310 trillion dollars.

Let’s Co-Create

We seek to unite with corporate leaders, top innovators, and philanthropists to co-create new ventures, products, programs, pro-social projects, and new opportunities to improve the quality of life in as many places as possible in the USA and around the world. Join us, and let’s co-create a better future filled with boundless innovations and possibilities.

If looking for ethical, creative leaders, new innovations, fresh ideas, feedback, business opportunities, hiring, or great companies and executives to work with to co-develop and market new products or for help to achieve creative dreams, then contact Boundless Innovations to discover new possibilities.

Creating Competitive Advantage

Scientifically, with years of education, research, and experience by working together we increase the odds of helping product development companies to identify and develop winning new products and TV shows.

In addition, we have 100s of intellectual property records plus new products and TV shows in R&D now available for acquisition, licensing, investment, or strategic partnering to co-develop and market.

We are also seeking more support or investments in our most promising new products, TV shows, and innovations in R&D that we need far more help with. Millions to billions in ROI is possible only if, the right ethical help and support is found.

To learn more, reach out at

To conclude, History teaches in the days of Thomas Edison, investors often did not wait for product market fit, sales, MVP, and traction.

Investors wanted to get in on the ground floor to build companies in smart ways together from the ground up; to de-risk all aspects of company formation, intellectual property, and hiring to make sure startups, talent, and promising ideas have the right support needed early on to be given a chance to solve consumer problems and fly in the market to create an ROI.

Critical To Success

Taking care of and paying creative talent to work while providing salary plus funding for R&D, to eventually create winning products was by far one of the most important factors in enabling technological and innovation breakthroughs to emerge throughout history.

For instance, in 1802, Humphry Davies developed one of the first working light bulbs, then over half a dozen other inventors worldwide worked to improve and make their own light bulbs.

Thomas Edison got involved in the 1870s with more support, research, and a team being paid to work to help; and with intense focus, plus 100s and 100s of failed experiments while not giving up, eventually enabled Edison and his team to improve upon the light bulbs of the past to make a new light bulb that at last became a commercial success.

If no one paid Thomas Edison and his team to work or provided funding for R&D prior to a working product being available – easily this opportunity to make history, ROI, while also improving the lives of millions of people and creating 1,000s of jobs for over a 100 years could have been missed.

Electrical engineers And Darrell also invented new light bulbs, then sold the patents

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